
Note that "Kiri" means left, and "Kanan" means right.

Standing commands

These are the commands you'll likely hear every day (in BMT at least).

Senang DiriStand at ease
DiamSteady (upgraded version of Sedia)
Kekanan PusingRight turn
Kekiri PusingLeft turn
Ke Kanan Lu RusTake dressing from the right (look right and align yourselves)
Pandang Ke Hadapan PandangFace front (you'll hear this after Ke Kanan Lu Rus)
Dari Kanan BilangNumber off from the right
Dalam Buka Barisan Ke kanan Lu RusOpen order, dressing from the right (take a step forward, look to the right, and align yourselves)
Dalam Tutup Barisan Ke Kana Lu RusClose order, dressing from the right
Keluar BarisFall out

Marching commands

Dari Kiri/Kanan, Cepat JalanBy the left/right foot, quick march
BerhentiHalt (stop)
Hentak Kaki Cepat HentakMarch on the spot

Check out the tips for shouting commands.

Arms and parade commands

You'll hear these commands in your POP.

Hormat SenjataPresent arms
Julang SenjataHigh port arms
